Request for Proposal of Services: Final Evaluation of The Carter Center’s Project to Increase Election Transparency and Credibility in the Democratic Republic of Congo


The Carter Center (TCC) seeks a consultant to undertake a final evaluation of a sixteen month-long project funded by the United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO). The funded project worked to advance free and fair elections that are inclusive and transparent by strengthening the capacity of local civil society partners to monitor the December 2023 elections (including pre- and post-election day processes) and share their findings and recommendations to improve the capacity of Congolese institutions to implement credible elections. 

The timeline for this evaluation is dependent on the proposals received, but anticipated not to exceed 8-10 weeks, including the delivery of a final report. The anticipated budget for this evaluation is no greater than $30,000, inclusive of consulting fees, travel costs, and other related expenses.


The DRC has a deep history of political conflict and insecurity, which continues to impact the country in the current context. The final results of the previous national elections in 2018 were highly disputed, and the events surrounding that election reduced DRC citizens’ trust in the electoral process. As a result, going into the 2023 elections, it was especially critical for local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including Faith-based Organizations (FBOs) that observe and assess electoral processes and are well capacitated for election monitoring, to increase their presence across the country to assist in advancing electoral reforms and increase transparency in the elections. The implementation period of this project covered crucial early election processes, such as voter registration and changes to the election law, through candidate registration, lastminute polling preparations, election day, and post-election legal challenges. Each of these steps benefited from close monitoring and assessment by a robust presence of citizen observers. 

With support from FCDO, the Center worked closely with the joint election observation mission of the Catholic and Episcopal Churches (CENCO-ECC MOE) as they deployed the largest citizen observation effort during this election cycle and monitored electoral processes that otherwise would not have been observed. Under this project, the Center implemented activities that were geared towards strengthening the two organizations ability to jointly observe not only in this election but to continue acting as a trusted and knowledgeable voice post-elections. 

The project to be evaluated will have been executed between December 2022 through March 2024. It was implemented based on the following theory of change:

IF election observer CSOs comprehensively and impartially assess the extent to which DRC’s 2023 electoral process respects national law and reflects established regional and international principles for domestic elections; and

IF those CSOs develop and disseminate data-based findings and recommendations on improving electoral processes, including targeted ones to increase electoral access and involvement of women, youth, and other protected classes, to all electoral stakeholders and the public; and

IF these findings and recommendations are acted upon by key electoral and government stakeholders, 

THEN the transparency of the 2023 electoral process will be enhanced and improved, thereby increasing DRC citizens’ confidence not only in the electoral process and election results but also their ability to hold elected officials accountable, and thus resulting in a more democratic government with the mandate and political will to improve services and support for the Congolese people.  

Evaluation Purpose 

The purpose of this evaluation is to contribute to accountability and lessons learned within TCC’s programming. The evaluation will strengthen TCC’s partnership with both FCDO and our local CSO partners, and it will lead the way to improvements in future cooperation. While the evaluation will serve to determine the extent to which TCC achieved their intended outcomes, it is also intended as part of a cyclical approach to monitoring, evaluating, and learning in project design and management. The findings and recommendations coming from the evaluation will furthermore inform potential future programming in DRC and in other country contexts. 

The evaluation will focus on the results achieved, effectiveness, efficiency, and quality of administration of the FCDO-supported election transparency and credibility project.   

The primary users of the analysis will be TCC, FCDO, and program stakeholders, particularly the project’s partners.  

Evaluation methodology and criteria

The evaluator should include details on their proposed methodology along with their application materials, taking into account available timeline along with the criteria outlined in these terms of reference and based on OECD – DAC standards.   Sample questions are included below, but a final list will be determined between the selected consultant and TCC.


TCC seeks to evaluate whether its intervention has contributed to intended objectives in a timely fashion.  TCC also seeks to assess how economically resources/ inputs (funds, expertise, time, etc.) are converted to results, with a particular emphasis on quality of administration.  

Sample questions: 

  • To what extent have efforts to achieve the objectives progressed within a reasonable timeframe? 
  • How well are resources used to produce results?  


TCC seeks to explore the extent to which planned, intended results were achieved. 

Sample questions: 

  • To what extent has the program reached the specific objectives and expected results it planned to achieve? 
  • To what extent did the subaward mechanism increase the capacity and effectiveness of the partner?
  • What were the major factors influencing the achievement or non-achievement of the objectives?

Quality of Administration

TCC seeks to assess the perception of stakeholders on how the interventions met their expectations.

Sample questions:  

  • To what extent did the citizen observation mission meet or exceed your expectations? 
  • If it failed to meet expectations, can you elaborate on what aspects you thought were lacking? 

Available Resources

TCC staff and its local partner will provide a variety of materials that can be used as sources of data about the programming and its results. This could include, but is not limited to:

  • TCC Project documents – proposal; activity reports; interim and final reports (including all compiled and reported monitoring and evaluation data that has been disaggregated when relevant by gender, location, etc.); risk analysis
  • Qualitative statements, reports, and presentations released by the project’s implementing partner
  • Internally collected data on progress against indicators

In addition to access to TCC staff who actively worked on the project, they will be available to co-design with the evaluator the evaluation framework, including the selection of stakeholders and methods to be used. The initial list of stakeholders includes representatives from targeted beneficiaries, the project’s donor, and key stakeholders (including other local organizations and peer organizations).

Timeline and deliverables

We are aiming for the evaluation to be completed within a timeframe of eight to ten weeks after the start of the evaluation contract with The Carter Center. A sample timeline, which should be confirmed or modified in the evaluator’s proposal, includes: 

Ten working days

  • Desk study and review of all relevant project documentation (to be provided – examples of the materials that will be made available for the desk review are found above in the “available resources” section. Provided materials may be in either French or English)
  • Submission of inception report (all deliverables should be provided to TCC in English) including description of the following: 
    • Evaluation work plan and timeline
    • Methodology and data collection tools
    • Evaluation questions
    • Risks and challenges
    • List of key respondents to be contacted

One-Three weeks (depending on proposed methodology and timeline)

  • In-person and/or virtual meetings with stakeholders for data collection and development of preliminary findings

5 working days (TCC reserves 5 working days for review)

  • Submission of first draft of final report in English for review and feedback, including:
    • Executive summary of key findings and recommendations
    • Table of contents
    • Methodology
    • Research findings
    • Analysis
    • Conclusions
    • Lessons learned/recommendations
    • Appendices, including terms of reference, list of interviewees, evaluation itinerary, research tools, evaluator’s biography, other annexes (including pictures, if taken).

One day

  • Virtual debrief meeting to present findings to TCC staff in DRC and the U.S.
  • Possible virtual debrief to donor

5 working days (TCC reserves 5 days to provide comments) 

  • Submission of second draft of final report for review and feedback

Within 5 days following the deadline for receipt of comments.    

  • Submission of final version of report of publishable quality.


Within their application materials, the evaluator will include a budget detailing their expected level of effort and other costs. While suggested timelines are included above, the evaluator’s submission should clearly indicate it is proposing a different timeline and/or total number of days.

Evaluation Management

The evaluation will be managed by the Associate Director in Atlanta, U.S., with strong engagement and collaboration with the DRC-based Sr. Country Representative and Citizen Observation project staff.

The evaluator will observe the highest standard of ethics and use his/her best efforts to protect TCC against fraud in the performance of the contract. In particular, the evaluator will not engage in any corrupt, fraudulent, coercive, collusive, or obstructive conduct. The evaluator will agree to abide by TCC code of conduct during the length of the consultancy.    

Evaluation ownership

TCC will have ownership of the data, findings and reports produced during the evaluation, but will provide FCDO with access to these materials and conclusions.


  • At least 5 years of experience conducting project impact evaluations for NGOs, international organizations or other relevant institutions
  • Demonstrated ability to conduct field research and to use participatory evaluation methodologies, including collecting data through interviews, surveys and focus groups
  • Familiarity with democracy and governance (particularly election observation) programming, civil society strengthening, and the DRC context (preferably work experience in the country/region)
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills in French and English
  • Adaptability and experience working in remote and conflict-prone areas

Please send CV, cover letter, a short technical proposal (max 5 pages), including an anticipated timeline and a bid comprised of consultant fee expectations and other suggested costs to Include in the subject line: FCDO Evaluation Application [Your Name]. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis.